Recent Credits
Equipment at a glance
Ghost Hunting With...Katie Price - ITV2
Most Haunted Series 15 - Living TV
Most Haunted Live - Living TV
The Furious Music Video - Nervous Records
Whines and Spirits
Living With Yvette and Karl -
Living TV
Death In Venice - Living TV
Screaming Banshees - The Unexplained Channel

Sony DSR450 (wide lens)
Sony DSR570 (wide lens)
Sony DSR570 (standard lens)
Sony V1 HDV (x3)
Sony PD170
Sony Handicams

Camera Accessories

PAG Lights
Miller Sticks
Manfrotto Sticks
Manfrotto Magic Arms
Track and Dolly

Arri 300
Arri 800
Arri 2k

(Includes Stands)

Lighting Accessories

Gels and Clips
Power Cables

SQN SeriesIIIa Mixer
Micron Explorer Diversity
Tram and Sankens
Rode boom microphones
Panamic boom poles

Lighting Cameramen
Camera Assistants
DV Operators
Sound Recordists
Copyright TBS Facilities 2010
Designed and developed by Matt Chance
0161 975 6090
TBS ( Television Broadcast Services ) is an independent company and is endorsed by
Antix Productions. It is fully stocked with state-of-the-art production equipment and
post-production facilities, available for hire throughout the country.

TBS has logged 1,000 editing hours thus far in 2010 for television channels such as
ITV2, LIVINGtv and LIVINGtv2. Personnel of TBS have vast technological expertise and
are thought to be the best in the business.

Additionally, TBS prides itself on training up-and-coming talent who have shown the
potential to excel in the field. All in all, when you send your project off to TBS, you can
be sure that some of the most creative young editors in the UK will be WORKING WITH
YOU on your project, whatever that may be!

In addition to editing services, production equipment is available for hire. For more
information about what equipment is available or editing at TBS, please write to